Lydia Canaan, also known by her stage name Angel, is a Lebanese rock singer who performed for two consecutive years at the Beirut Rock Festivals 1987-1988, mesmerizing the crowd by her vocal capacities and her strong charismatic stage presence.
ZED, rock metal group lead by Karol Sakr, performed for two consecutive years 1987-1988 astounding the crowds with their powerful stage presence, their charismatic looks and their ear-haunting sounds.
Fugitive Entity, a Lebanese rock band composed by talented metal heads rocked the stage for two consecutive years 1987-1988, jamming some smash hits of theirs like “Jessica’s Marriage” and “Cut the tree”. The band consisted of: Cynthia Zaven, Karen Murr, Robert Azar, Fadi Saad, Jihad Said and Jihad Murr.
GRG is the Ghassan Rahbani Group heavy metal band. Co-produced by RML and Radio One, they performed for two consecutive years 1987-1988, rocking the stage with their single “Il Jamhour 3ayez kida” and other hit singles of theirs.
Jay Wud, a lebanese rock artist performed at the Beirut Rock Festival in Beirut Waterfront, along with 3 other local bands, Skunk Anansie, the famous British rock band, and LA Vation, U2 Tribute. Hundreds of rockers gathered in one night for an unforgettable and unique concert.
Pindoll band performed at the Beirut Rock Festival in Beirut Waterfront on July 2nd, 2013, along with 3 local bands, Skunk Anansie, the famous British rock band and LA Vation, U2 Tribute. The concert was one of a kind especially for rock lovers who spent a unique and unforgettable night.
Near Surface band performed at the Beirut Rock Festival 2013 at Beirut Waterfront along with 3 otehr local bands and the british rock band Skunk Anansie and LA Vation, U2 Tribute. Hundreds of rock lovers were gathered in one night for a unique and unforgettable concert.
The Coolcumbes, lebanese rock band, performed at the Beirut Rock Festival in Beirut Waterfront, along with 3 other local bands, and the british known band Skunk Anansie, and LA Vation, U2 Tribute. Hundreds of rock lovers were gathered in one night for a unique and unforgetable night.
Soapkills, an indie electro-pop band based in Lebanon, combine their interest in classical Arabic song and electronic music. French media have described them as "Trip hop à l'orientale". They performed in the Beirut Rock Festival 1998 along with metal bands like Dreadful Shadows, House of Usher, Snowgoose and Cimmerian Path.
Snowgoose, a Lebanese metal progressive band that has introduced metal loud music to the Lebanese ground, performed in the Beirut Rock Festival in 1998 along with other rock-head artists like Dreadful Shadows, House of Usher, Soapkills and Cimmerian Path.